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Bug Abyss

12/29/2012 7:04:44 AM
  • 작성자victor1760
  • 추천0
  • https://rappelz.galalab.kr/community/freeboard.aspx?no=1460 주소복사
Good afternoon. I have a problem. If I use Google Chrome with the openness of the game - the client gives an error, then my character automatically moves into the abyss. To exit from the depths I have to enter Korean characters, but when I introduce them (correctly) still remain in the abyss of anger. Previously, after the character input anger disappeared. Maybe after today's update, and there was a bug with the abyss.

Were also seen some bugs, but they are not so much critical.

Thanks in advance!

Who know how write to GM or support - write in this topic.
덧글 접기
  • 랙펠즈 12/29/2012 11:21:40 PM

    Unfortunately, I do not know the status of your connection. When I saw the screenshot attached, who seemed to use the Korea server. Following September 23, 2006 Notice Bulletin abroad in Korea to connect to the server would like be limited. With this update, the enhanced security was associated with any of the above, I will not know. For more information, please contact to GalaLab since 2013 Jan. 2

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