라펠즈 더블plus PC방, 10% 더 특별한 혜택
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홈 > 커뮤니티 > 자유게시판

Good luck everyone

11/7/2023 1:01:20 PM
  • 작성자물컵한잔
  • 추천0
  • https://rappelz.galalab.kr/community/freeboard.aspx?no=6506 주소복사
Rappelz Manager must be exhausted from working all night, thank you for your hard work.haven't logged in for a few years, but I recently came back and it's still fun.In addition, I love the users who worked hard, old men and grandmothers.thank you
덧글 접기
  • 중복닉네님 11/8/2023 3:54:49 PM

    Enjoy Rappelz hard.